Functional Medicine Doctors and When to Seek their Assistance

Ever heard of functional medicine doctors?


You’re probably wondering what they do exactly and the kind of diseases they can treat. Fx Med Centers are not medical facilities but a good way to understand functional medicine is to compare it with traditional medicine.


Functional Medicine and Traditional Medicine

  • Functional medicine focuses on the science of health not the science of disease.
  • It aims to restore the natural metabolic processes of the body instead of solving problems brought on by acute diseases such as heart attack or diabetes.
  • It can prevent diseases as it can identify early markers.
  • Functional Medicine assesses a person’s health in a different and detailed manner, starting from prenatal information right up to the present condition of a patient.
  • It is person-focused not disease- or diagnosis-focused.
  • It is one of the more effective solutions for chronic conditions.


Basic Principles of Functional Medicine


  1. Personalized Healthcare


Each person is viewed as genetically and biochemically different.


This is why functional medicine doctors will provide treatment options that are unique to a specific individual. Rather than attack a disease directly, they will support the body’s normal healing mechanisms naturally.


  1. Based on Science


Traditional medicine is of course science based but focused more on the disease than the body’s function. The type of science that functional medicine is deeply based on looks into the complicated network or web of relationships that connect whatever happens within a human body. This gives an in-depth view of the body’s functions.


  1. Intelligent Body


Functional medicine sees the body as intelligent and self-regulating. It uses a dynamic balance of all body systems to express itself. It also has the ability to prevent and heal nearly all age-related diseases.


By being able to understand how the body works, healing can come from within.


  1. Health is a State of Immense Vitality


Traditional doctors may define health as not being sick, but functional medicine doctors define it as being healthy from the inside out.


  1. Integrative Medical Practice


Functional medicine uses the latest evidence in medical research along with patient preferences and clinical expertise in developing a treatment. It seeks to find answers to questions such as:

  • Why do you have this problem in the first place?
  • Why is the function lost?
  • How can lost functions be restored?


Functional medicine is a true “inside-out” approach that integrates different medical practices and traditions.


Disciplines that also prove effective in managing or treating a chronic disease are also integrated. For instance, nutrition and lifestyle changes are used to prevent disease, while the latest laboratory tests and diagnostic techniques are used to identify what ails a patient.


Seek Functional Medicine Doctors


  • When you want to achieve optimal health status
  • If you’re looking for disease prevention techniques
  • When you want to improve brain chemistry
  • When you want to check if you have undiagnosed symptoms and discover their causes
  • If you’re looking to halt or reverse a chronic disease
  • When you want questions about your mind and body’s health answered
  • When you want to optimize your body’s functions after being diagnosed


Call FxMed


If you’re looking for functional medicine doctors, give Fx Med Centers a call. They have a team of doctors specializing in functional medicine and can help address all health- and disease-related concerns.


FX Med Centers is proud to offer its services out of Paramus and Ramsey, New Jersey and their surrounding areas. Contact Us today for more information, your initial telephone consultation is free and we will match you to the right provider to fit your personal needs!

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